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First let me say one thing.

Dear Writers of Lost. No more gouging of bullets out of shoulders with fingers. It’s gross. And let Sawyer wash his hair – you’re spoiling my eye candy. Thank you. PS Get on with the story.

With that off my chest I can report not much at all. More family dramas which meant total writing done for the week approximately one page. So today will be a concerted effort to get everything else done so tomorrow can be a writing day. I know what I have to do to get these *@!&$(*& three chapters finished, I just need the time to do it.

During the week I acquired a Dyson (yay). It’s sparkly purple, it’s light, the handle extends so you don’t have to do an imitation of Quasimodo to vacuum (apparently Dyson recognise the fact that people over 5 foot 4 vacuum), it was 30% off and the amount of stuff it’s sucking out of my carpet makes me wonder exactly what my other vacuum cleaner has been doing all these years apart from scaring the cats. So Dyson rates three thumbs up from me (or would if I had an extra thumb). From the orange cat and the grey cat there are reports that it rates flattened ears and exiting the immediate vicinity at even faster speeds than those caused by the old vacuum. But given that they are the chief culprits in covering my house with fur, they do not get a vote. Even if they think they deserve one.

And now, back to chores. I leave you with this to brighten your day.

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