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For some reason I have the Lion King in my head this morning. Hakuna Matata and all that. Who knows why?

Anyway, I am back from taking the grey cat to the vet for yet more siphoning of the liquid gold in her veins so we can see how her various exotic diseases are doing. She is not happy about this and is currently hiding behind the bookcase in the spare room glaring at nothing in particular but saving extra ferocious ones for me if I dare to check on her. She’ll be fine in a few hours. Especially now she’s had breakfast. Cats don’t understand fasting. Lots of WTF? and WHERE THE HELL IS BREAKFAST? looks this morning. Followed by a nice dose of “If you put me in a cage I will yell and tell everyone all about it”. Note to the grey cat – everyone has a care factor of not much. Except that dog who thought you were interesting (who was v.cute – a maltilier named Mr Darcy, all white with some faint apricotish-coffee coloured patches from the cavalier side, who apparently lives with his sister Lizzie so nice to see Jane Austen alive and well in the suburbs, even if it is a slightly incestuous take on it).

So anyway, that’s my morning. I’m about to do some exercise then write. Goal today is 11 pages. Cos I like 11 that’s why.

The rest of the day will be housework, a trip to the shops for a new camera battery and other supplies for my trip to NZ (6 more sleeps, almost there), and unfortunately some day job work. At least it’s sunny, if chilly.

Hakuna Matata.

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