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You know, I was never a huge fan of the Crocodile Hunter as a show but Steve Irwin was 100% full-bore, flat out passionate about what he did. About saving our animals and our environment and teaching people to respect the planet. He donated huge sums of money and huge amounts of energy into the thing he believed in. Whether or not you agree with his methods, he was a great example of going for it fearlessly.

People are saying that at least he died doing what he loved, and yes, that’s true. But I’m pretty sure that he’d have preferred to die surrounded by the people he loved after another forty or fifty years doing what he loved. And that’s the sad thing. So to his family, as to anyone who loses a loved one, my deepest sympathy and to everyone else who respected the man, let’s all think about what we can do in some small way to keep his cause alive and save this world for generations of humans and animals to come.

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