Well, as my mailman finally brought me a lovely envelope containing my agency agreement today, I guess it is all real, I can stop having paranoid visions of my mail ending up in Timbuktu, and this is not a dream : )
I’m very thrilled to announce that Agent X has a name and it’s Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Literary Agency. Miriam is a fabulous agent (as Keri will attest), with a great track record for debut authors and the agency is a fabulous agency so I’m completely over the moon.
Here’s Miriam’s bio from the agency website:
Miriam Kriss joined the Irene Goodman Literary Agency just as she was finishing her master’s degree in Fine Arts at New York University, and quickly became one of the hottest young agents in town. Going from Michelangelo to Nora Roberts was not as great a leap as it might seem, as Miriam had been obsessively reading commercial fiction since she found a copy of Judith McNaught’s classic Whitney, My Love in a rented lakeside cabin when she was thirteen. A few pages in, not only were some gaps in her Catholic school education filled, but she was hooked. She reads fast: one hundred pages an hour, a novel a day, and well, that adds up to a lot of books a year. She is thrilled to be working with Irene Goodman, to whom she refers as “legendary”, and while Irene knows the market because she’s been doing this for twenty-five years and is savvy as all get out, Miriam knows the market because she is the market. Sales to major publishers include a recent mid-six-figure deal for a first-time author, and her client list continues to grow. Her first solo sale, also from a first-time author, hit several bestseller lists in its first week out. What’s more, now that reading is legitimately “work”, she devours two or three novels and manuscripts a day.
I met Miriam at the Romance Writers of Australia conference last year. Through several late night wine and chocolate fuelled chats with her and Keri, I found out she’s one of the few people I’ve met who reads faster (and more) than me (a stellar quality in an agent), she loves her job (another stellar quality in an agent), she really knows her stuff when it comes to fantasy, publishing and the whole ball of wax and she geeks out over a lot of the same stuff as me (a general stellar personal quality ; ) ). And as an added bonus she likes my writing!
All that remains now is for me to keep writing while she gets on with the business of finding Wolf a home. Which could take anywhere from weeks to months or longer so I’m trying not to think about it. Let’s see how well that works!
>Okay, I’m a bit late, but welcome to the agency!Hope to meet you at RWA in Dallas!
>Thanks Rachel and I’m all booked for Dallas apart from the plane fare bit! I can’t wait.