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First of all, Zokutou has arisen from the ashes! Happiness has returned to the hearts of overly motivated by wee wormy progress bars writers everywhere lol.

Second of all, a big YAYAYAYAY for fellow lulu Chris who has finalled in the RWNZ Second Chance comp and whose work is winging off to Paula Eykelhof. The second chance comp is comp for all the finalists of various RWAus and RWNZ comps, so tough competition. Go Chris : ))

Third of all, last night I went to Fifteen for dinner with the VT and her husband. For those of you who don’t know, Fifteen is one of the Jamie Oliver foundation restaurants set up to train disadvantaged young adults as chefs. It was fab! The food was lovely, the place is funky, the number three cocktail was delish, the wait staff were excellent and the when the VT joked that the only thing that would make the divine chocolatey dessert thing better would be another one, one appeared (not bad for a set course menu!). It’s not cheap but I go to the odd restaurant of the la swank variety with work and I’d have to say this is one where I think it’s worth the money. And it supports a great cause.
So if you’re in the market for a treat yourself dinner in Melbourne, give it a go.

Of course, I now must eat vegetables for about a week : ) Worth it!

And now I must write. And collect packages given that Murphy’s law was operating yesterday and no less than two different courier companies tried to deliver me stuff. Of course they couldn’t do it today when I’m at home. And they can’t redeliver until Monday so collecting is the option. Hopefully one is my new modem to complete my switch of ISPs (after changing my email addy in forty billion locations). My old one works after much gnashing of teeth but the new one I think will be speedier and will allow ADSL2 if my exchange ever gets upgraded….

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