Right, so somehow it’s Wednesday already. Eeek. One of those weeks at the day job. I’m currently working on a project involving drafting lots and lots of documents. With lots and lots of finicky detail and teeny tiny endnotes. So not terribly conducive to coming home and sitting down to open yet another document. But I shall have to work it out because this project has another couple of months to run (interspersed with a few other similar projects) and the book has to keep chuffing along (at the moment mainly because Keri has pulled ahead of me in wordcount, dammit : )!!) Hey, if childish competion works….I say go for it.
To clear my head of document overload I went for a walk at lunch and somehow ended up at Borders (thank you 40% off voucher) and Of Science and Swords (no vouchers but books are cheaper there anyway). Apparently the brain wants to relax from lots of reading of dry stuff with lots of reading of interesting stuff. Yay.
Now all I need to do is lock those books away so I can keep the page count growing. Roll on Friday. And look, it’s time for House.