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Okay, I’m officially over jetlag. I thought I’d gotten past the worst of it but last night had another bout of wide awake from roughly 3 to 6. Given I went to bed about one and got up about 9, that equals unhappy camper. Yes, I’ve read a ridiculous amount of books this week but I’d rather be asleep. Today I’ve been determined not to nap so as to be sleepy tonight…after all it’s back to the day job tomorrow. And being sleep deprived apparently sends the girls into deep deep hibernation. So today has been visiting folks, housework and some RWAus stuff. Pretty much your typical Sunday…except for the only five hours or so sleep bit. I’ve never had jetlag this bad coming in this direction before, usually I’m worse going over. I wonder if it’s because I hadn’t really adjusted to the US time then turned around and came back. Yet another reason to spend more time in SF next year.

On another note, HP 7 all done, I am offically safe from spoiler fiends and as I do not wish to be a poopy spoiler fiend, I am making no comments. I think I need to go back and read the whole series again.

And hey, they’re making a movie of the Dark is Rising which is one of my all time favourite YA fantasy books (and series). If you have little HP addicts who are sad about not having any more fixes coming their way, try them on Susan Cooper (which I guess is kind of the point of the timing of the film…that and the Golden Compass which looks cool in the trailer).

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