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I’m working five days this week. Admittedly so I can take an extra day off next week but still, after six months of working four day weeks, it feels like a long way to the weekend. And a busy weekend at that.

I think maybe the muse is sulking at the prospect. I’ve done a few bits and pieces on the new blaze idea, I’ve taken a few peeks at Wolf 2 with the prospect of starting to revise but I keep having to stop because I’m a little bit concerned about what I might find : ) I’ve even contemplated starting Wolf 3 but can’t quite work out where it starts.

Plus I’m being headache gal. Oh woe is I, obviously. I need some inspiration. Unfortunately they don’t seem to stock it at the local supermarket. Hopefully lulus this weekend and the RWAus conference next weekend will refill the well.

Maybe a night of telly is what the doctor ordered….

So while I’m being boring…you should rush out and buy Keri’s latest – Embraced by Darkness aka book 5 of Riley – which is out today. Woot!

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