So the aforementioned frabjous Japhrimel joy (see yesterday) meant that this little bookworm was up to late reading last night. And possibly will be up too late tonight as we have not yet finished the book of Japhrimel goodness.
Which means in between reading bouts, we have been all sleepified and in need of naps. Though somewhat jolted awake by our monitor throwing fits this morning (though it appears to have recovered I am eyeing it with suspicion). Unfortunately the day job does not believe in naps, so all I can say is YAY IT IS MY DAY OFF TOMORROW!
I can sleep in (but not much because the weekend is one of those busy, busy, rush, rush kinds). Writing and ballet and dinners and housework and treasurer-ing for the last time and general plethoras of stuff. No wonder I’m tired already.
I shall also point out that for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere tomorrow is the last day of winter and that means Spring (the best time of year ever) is upon us. More yay.
And because I cannot come up with anything more than that I urge you to go make yourself giggle and look at this (as found by the fabulous Freya). All I can say is he can stand for election around here any day.