This was the writing plan back near the start of the year:
Priority 1 project: Witch 1
Priority 2 projects: Progressing Wolf 3, another pass at Wolf 2
Noodle projects: Everything else
Noodle projects are the ones you mess around with when the girls need a break. Or when you get an idea that won’t go away or just for fun….you know.
Current progress:
Witch 1 – 3 drafts done and out there
Wolf 2 draft 3 – started and not yet finished
Wolf 3 – still in my head
Everything else – mostly noodling except for the new book
Current plan for the next five months or so:
Priority 1 projects – First draft of the current wip, finish Wolf 2 pass
Priority 2 projects – Vague plots for Wolf 3, Witch 2 and maybe a few chaps of them
Noodle projects: Everything else