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It’s been a bit quiet around the blog but that’s mostly because I’m in the middle of the christmas whirl with christmas parties and birthday parties and general sociableness out the ying yang. Throw in a funeral today for one of my great aunts : ( and it’s been Mel of much running around lately. And Mel of much needing sleep and couch potato-ing when not running around. Which doesn’t really add up to interesting writing blogging. I have finished my christmas shopping but haven’t yet really dealt with cards or decorations. I foresee many e-cards this year!

Still noodling with various wips and nothing is really jumping up and down shouting “write me, write me” but I’ve got three weeks off over Christmas so I’d like to get the first couple of chapter of Witch 2 and Wolf 3 done and see what else happens.

To which I should stop writing this and see if I can squeeze in 30 minutes writing before I have to get ready for the next christmas function tonight! Followed by another one tomorrow afternoon, then Friday night then Sunday lunch. I’ll be eating salad for all of January and February at this rate ; )

Hope everyone is having a lovely pre-Christmas season!

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