I am a knitter. I am bad crocheter. I am a very out of practice spinner. I love yarn (it’s that colour thing again with bonus pettable texture thing thrown in). I embrace my inner nana. I even have a neglected knitting/craft blog which I really should move over here. However, my inner nana has been neglected lately. In August 2013 I got a bout of vertigo that lasted quite a while and vertigo and knitting do not get along. And then last year was the year of many books out and the year of writing all the things and though I actually wound some wool for a project and knit a few rows on a pair of socks, I did not actually knit a whole thing. Sad knitter face.
In the meantime I have been watching Outlander (have you been watching Outlander are you team Hot Scot aka this guy:
I am definitely team Jamie Fraser and have been since the books first came out way back when. And I think the TV show is doing a bang up job of bringing the books to life. Including draping Claire in some gorgeous bits of handknitting that are suited to the 1743 setting. Such as:
I have partcularly lusted after that cowl in the second image. Though not in brown. Most browns and I do not mix. But the other day I was rewatching and saw it again and thought “self, that is very chunky and therefore would not take long to knit and what’s more surely some enterprising Ravelry peeps have put out Outlander patterns by now so it will be easy” and shortly thereafter I found a pattern on Ravelry and had:
and after an hour’s knitting last night I have
Which is about half of it. I am thinking that the yarn is not quite heavy enough but I like it anyway and I like cowls so I’ll finish and then decide if I want an even heavier one. Not quite as chilly as the Scottish Highlands in 1743 here in Melbourne so maybe not. Even if I do it will be even quicker to knit.
So yay for quick knitting projects. Now if only I could find the yarn I put together last year for the scarf I want to make…..