by Mel | Mar 31, 2016 | Cool stuff, Fave things, Making stuff, Random thoughts
I’ve been doing an online course with Jane Blundell for the last few months. Jane is a brilliant watercolour artist as well as a font of all knowledge when it comes to watercolour paints and colour mixing. Because the course is online, I do my homework and...
by Mel | Mar 1, 2016 | Cool stuff, Making stuff, Random thoughts
Somewhere in the vague list in my head of “jobs I would like to do” has always been a spot labelled florist. Because flower shops smell good, they’re always cool and flowers are one of my fave things. Of course, in my head, being a florist...
by Mel | Feb 4, 2016 | Cool stuff, Life, Making stuff
Which is something I never ever even imagined would be something I’d say in my lifetime. So I’m quite excited. (Though, at this point, the plan is still to write and have art as generally a fun thing). But late last year, my gorgeous friend Anne Gracie...
by Mel | Jan 7, 2016 | Life, Making stuff
I talked about some fun food goals on Tuesday. The other area where I’ve set some goals is for my art/craft things I do. 1. Do another watercolour class (which is kind of a cheat goal as I’ve just started one but I still have to finish it as it’s...
by Mel | Aug 28, 2015 | Making stuff
Between travelling and getting over jetlag and conferences and revisions and trying to finish a book, there hasn’t been much arty stuff happening round here lately. Starting a new watercolour course next week which should rectify that but here’s a video of...