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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! May 2009 bring you peace, love, happiness, good health, good friends, good times, good writing days (for those of us who need them) and much success chasing your dreams!

Happy 2008

Well, we watched beautiful fireworks in the hotty, hot, hot, hot night (twice, catching both the early show and the much more spectacular midnight version), but otherwise New Year’s Eve was quiet and fun. And hot. It was still 35ish while those fireworks was...


The quick first revision pass of Wolf 2 which was meant to take a week or so took somewhat longer. I finally had to take the muse to one side and give her a swift smack and re-explain the concept of quick polish to get it into first read shape which she was...

Itchy fingers

I’m circling a new story. Or the girls are. They’re at that wriggle, giggle, ooh shiny, look over here at this stage where everything floats in the back of your head and feels ready and cool but then they only show you bits at a time. I’m putting...

I give in

Okay, I give in. I’m going to try this blogging thing. With the aim of keeping on track with my writing this year. So let’s see what happens.

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