by Mel | Sep 21, 2007 | Uncategorized
Apparently my appetite for Pratchett was trumped last night by my body deciding “OMG-busy-week-tired-must-sleep-now-‘kay-thanks-zzzzzzzz”. So today (having already schlepped grey cat to the vet for blood tests (earning myself glares and grumpiness in...
by Mel | Sep 20, 2007 | Bookworm
Thursday night with no more day job for the week and brand spanking new Terry Pratchett to read. I promise to do some revising tonight but I shall be mostly on the couch, turning pages. So entertain yourselves! : )
by Mel | Aug 17, 2007 | Square eyes
Starting to feel a little better but the last few days have largely featured sleeping, coughing and reading in bed before falling asleep yet again. When I’m sick I tend to re-read things, so I’ve been visiting with Fast Women (Jenny Crusie), Monstrous...
by Mel | Jul 7, 2007 | Uncategorized
So I’m starting to pack stuff or at least put stuff in piles to be packed. The most important decision, seeing as I have the GH frock sorted, is what books to take for the plane trip. As I’ve said before, I read fast, so with 19 hours of flying ahead of me...
by Mel | Jun 21, 2007 | Uncategorized
Another week speeding by. And I have been enjoying not writing (though I do have some characters starting to tap their feet at me, so hopefully I’ll get some stuff done this weekend on them) and lazing around in the evenings reading. I’ve had a swag of...