by Mel | Mar 26, 2011 | Cool stuff, Friends who rock, The biz
Huge congrats to the lovely Kelly Hunter and Marion Lennox for their RITA ® finals. Two excellent people and equally excellent writers! If you love great romance, check them out! Congrats to all the other RITA and GH finalists. Especially the Golden Heart...
by Mel | May 16, 2007 | Uncategorized
Still slow on the writing front but that’s because I’m doing a couple of full manuscript crits for a couple of my fab writing buddies – having fun in their worlds while my subconscious hopefully figures out stuff in mine. But I need to get back to...
by Mel | Mar 3, 2007 | Bookworm, Friends who rock, Square eyes
I had to get up early (well, early for me on a Saturday) to do a chat for the class I’m doing with Barbara Samuel. So I thought I’d be virtuous and chuck some washing on. After all, it’s meant to be 36 today (the weather has not yet cottoned on to...
by Mel | Jan 5, 2007 | Friends who rock
I have to say when Ms Keri rocks, she rocks hard. Check this out…the paperback of Full Moon Rising has been out a week and it’s 101 on the USA Today bestseller list! Because it’s a great book that’s why…so go check it out if you’re...
by Mel | Sep 24, 2006 | Square eyes, Writing
So the book has continued to talk, there has also been birthday parties (I’m old!), birthday lunches, mid-week dinners with friends, work and general everything taking longer because of the sore thumb. Which is much better now and down to only a bandaid. There...