by Mel | Nov 30, 2010 | Life, Random thoughts
The inside of my head goes something like this at the moment…. Raining! Cold! Work! Revisions! Christmas! Holy crap, it’s December! Orange cat is meowing again! Cat palace! Garden! Raining! Sunny! Work! Revisions! Sleepy! Spinning is cool! Hot! Cold!...
by Mel | Nov 22, 2010 | Life, Writing
I think the year has officially reached the completely-crazy-lead-up-to-christmas part where the to-do list and social things and the year’s goals and a thousand other things start to form a hectic sort of tangle to conquer before it’s time for time off....
by Mel | Nov 20, 2009 | Uncategorized
Not the most scintillating week. It can be summed up as hot and busy with a side of the return of Mel’s stupid allergy that makes her itch. Phooey. However, we have plunged into the joy (oh hear the sarcasm) of revising and so far have staggered through the...
by Mel | Dec 17, 2008 | Life
It’s been a bit quiet around the blog but that’s mostly because I’m in the middle of the christmas whirl with christmas parties and birthday parties and general sociableness out the ying yang. Throw in a funeral today for one of my great aunts : (...
by Mel | Aug 20, 2008 | Random thoughts
I have pre-conference brain. I keep thinking of errands I need to do, packing lists, planning and I’m not even leaving Melbourne….tomorrow is full of actual pre-conference stuff – committee meetings, costume tours, the fabulous Bron Parry’s...