by Mel | Apr 17, 2014 | Cool stuff, Life, Writing
Wishing everyone a relaxing and safe break for Easter. Eat some chocolate, do fun stuff, read a book or two. Bliss! Speaking of bliss (not biased at all here), Fire Kin comes out in just a couple of weeks now (May 6), so there will be giveaways over the next few...
by Mel | Feb 16, 2014 | Cool stuff, Writing
So the Torti tried to drag the ARCS into her lair, but I have ventured forth and saved them for you, my favorite reader people! Through the power of, the winner of the newsletter giveaway is Michelle W. and the winner of the blog giveaway is Erin, who...
by Mel | Jul 3, 2013 | Cool stuff
Aussie Author Giveaway! Enjoy paranormal romance? Fantasy romance? Urban fantasy? Post-apocalyptic romance? Steampunk romance? Would you jump at a chance or three to win a box full of these sorts of books? Who, what, where, when and how can I win? – I hear you...