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Planning for fun part 2 – art

I talked about some fun food goals on Tuesday. The other area where I’ve set some goals is for my art/craft things I do. 1. Do another watercolour class (which is kind of a cheat goal as I’ve just started one but I still have to finish it as it’s...
Planning for fun – food

Planning for fun – food

Outside the usual categories of goals that I set at the start of each year, I try to set myself some fun goals to make sure I don’t vanish permanently into the writing cave.   So here are some food goals: 1. The cookbook plan – I love them but am...
January reflections

January reflections

It’s February which means that January is already done 2015 is zooming by just as fast as 2014 did. Being a virgo, I always like the start of the year and making plans and setting goals etc. I had a extra long break from the day job over late December and...

Do over

It’s February. Which is a good thing in some ways and a bad thing in others. Given that January was pretty much a write off for me due to getting sick and various other things, I officially completely failed to do much of anything I planned to do in January. Including...

Little steps

Given we’ve whizzed through a third and a bit of the year already, I thought it might be helpful to revisit my yearly goals (the radical thought being that paying attention to them during the year helps keep them on track!).So back in December this is what I had...

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