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Movie fix – Spy

Movie fix – Spy

I am in Sydney for work, so not too much exciting to report life wise, so here, have a movie recommendation. Last week I saw Spy with Melissa McCarthy, Miranda Hart, Jude Law and Jason Statham and it was hilarious. Now I saw the trailer for this a while back and...
Bookworm thoughts: Stage Dive series

Bookworm thoughts: Stage Dive series

I am a music fan. Played in the school and local orchestra growing up, am always listening to music and love me a musical guy. I’ve long thought rockstars should be a thing in romance but they seemed to be on the taboo list for some reason (possibly having to do...


Having a broken ankle involves large amounts of being stuck at home. Luckily this is a good thing for introvert inclined writer types but you can’t write 24 hours a day. Given I also have to stay off the ankle a lot, I can’t really embark on major home...

Author shots

And hey, to celebrate my one year on…I picked up my author shots today (all done by the fabulous and talented Jo Edmonds and copyright to her!).  Here are my fave four…I’m pretty sure I know which one I’ll use in the book but still making my...


The revision is all finito. Let there be celebrations (or at least a day or two of mindless activities before we contemplate book 2!) My first for-an-editor revision done. Feels like a milestone somehow, even though it could yet come shooting back to me for another...

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