by Mel | Mar 17, 2016 | Life, Making stuff, Random thoughts
I’m about halfway through a watercolour class which I’m doing online which is always fun. Actually yesterday was the two year anniversary of the very first watercolour class I ever took. I still feel like a newbie at this art stuff but it’s been a...
by Mel | Mar 1, 2016 | Cool stuff, Making stuff, Random thoughts
Somewhere in the vague list in my head of “jobs I would like to do” has always been a spot labelled florist. Because flower shops smell good, they’re always cool and flowers are one of my fave things. Of course, in my head, being a florist...
by Mel | Jun 28, 2010 | Writing
The revisions are hopefully getting closer. Well for a “still a couple of weeks work” value of closer. I’ve done the heavy lifting of inserting new scenes and changing plot and a POV. Like adding another wing and knocking out a few walls. Now...
by Mel | Apr 26, 2010 | Random thoughts
>It’s a long weekend here in Australia, and I’ve been having an at home weekend, puttering around doing things that needed doing (well, apart from hanging out with my awesome crit buddies on Sunday…minus the fabulous Keri who is swanning around in...
by Mel | Nov 30, 2008 | Cool stuff
Over the last few months, thanks largely to the wonder of the crockpot, I’ve been getting back into the swing of cooking that had kind of fallen away when I took six weeks off. And now, whether it’s the time of year, or the recovering cook in me or a case...