by Mel | Mar 11, 2019 | Life, Writing
So about two years ago I did a week long digital detox. You can read about why here. I did it and it was really good and helped me curb my habits for a bit. But over the last two years, some of those bad habits have crept back and I’ve had other sources of...
by Mel | Jul 8, 2015 | Life, Making stuff, Random thoughts
In the life of Mel, things remain much the same. I am working on Playing Fast. I am writing many lists in preparation for going to NY and RWA soon. I am watching too many episodes of the Great British Bake Off on youTube and subsequently wanting to BAKE ALL THE...
by Mel | Jan 10, 2015 | Life
Ten days into January and this pretty much sums up Melbourne’s weather… aka too hot and sunny or way colder than summer should be. With stormy transitions. My day job has taken an extra long Christmas break and because last year was very busy,...