by Mel | Feb 16, 2015 | Cool stuff, Fave things, Random thoughts
Anyone here need move your butt music to make exercise more fun? I don’t know whether it’s because I like music generally or because I started ballet when I was five and therefore my body associates music with moving around but I definitely find music is...
by Mel | Feb 28, 2009 | Cool stuff
Like most women I have clothing in a couple of sizes in my wardrobe (insert stupid non standardised sizing rant here). Some of it due to weight ups and downs and some due to aforementioned non-standardised sizing. I managed to put on about five kilos over the social...
by Mel | Sep 10, 2007 | Writing
Apparently, if you don’t go to pilates for *cough* weeks, you lose a bit of fitness. Who knew? Stupid muscles. Having vowed to halt my travel and flu inspired slippage off the fitness wagon, I took myself back to class today at lunchtime. On the plus side my...
by Mel | Oct 29, 2006 | Writing
Daylight savings started today. Anyone who knows me will know I don’t handle the start of daylight savings well. My body knows darn well the clocks are lying and that I am hauling its butt out of bed at an hour that truly starts with ‘six’. And it...