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The return

I’m home. And it only took a measly 54 hours or so door to door. A pox on airlines at this point. More when brain has had sufficient sleep applied. I’m very tempted by the thought of caffeine right now but am resisting. Man, I’m glad I did this after...


I’m still in Singapore. Of course, they made us wait until after midnight until they cancelled the flight. Supposed to be leaving midday. We’ll see. I’ve had less than four hours sleep, no communication from qantas (had to talk to the work people to...


Okay either I’ve annoyed the travel karma fairies or qantas has. I am once again stuck in Singapore. At least this time (knock wood, cross fingers, turn and spit over my shoulder (or I would but I’d get in trouble for that here)) it’s only a five...

Voyage of the damned – the sequel

I’m back, I’m tired (despite just having crashed for 3 hours unintentionally) and the return journey was just as fun packed only with less sleep. I’m too tired to blog sensibly about it…go read Keri’s post. I’ll be back tomorrow...

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