by Mel | Aug 30, 2016 | The biz, Writing
Playing Fast is out today! Get your copy here. Hope you enjoy reading Finn and Eva’s story! It’s the fifth book in The New York Saints series and was a lot of fun to write (got love a good bad boy redemption, right?). If you want a chance at some giveaways...
by Mel | Aug 29, 2016 | Writing
Finn and Eva aka Playing Fast will be here tomorrow! Huzzah! Still time to pre-order: links are here. And if you want a chance at some giveaways and sneak peeks…sign up for my Melanie newsletter!
by Mel | Aug 28, 2016 | Writing
Just two more sleep! Are you ready for Playing Fast? Still time to pre-order: links are here. And if you want a chance at some giveaways and sneak peeks…sign up for my Melanie newsletter!
by Mel | Aug 21, 2016 | Writing
We’re getting very close to Playing Fast now, so have another snippet! Pre-order links are here. And if you want a chance at some giveaways and sneak peeks…sign up for my Melanie newsletter!
by Mel | Aug 14, 2016 | Writing
It’s Playing Fast snippet time again. Pre-order links are here. And if you want a chance at some giveaways and sneak peeks…sign up for my Melanie newsletter!