by Mel | Aug 28, 2015 | Making stuff
Between travelling and getting over jetlag and conferences and revisions and trying to finish a book, there hasn’t been much arty stuff happening round here lately. Starting a new watercolour course next week which should rectify that but here’s a video of...
by Mel | May 25, 2012 | Cool stuff, Writing
Got home today to find these waiting on my doorstep (and thankfully the delivery dude had tucked them away out of the torrential downpour we’re having)! Guess I really do have a book out soon : ) Some of these need a home…so how about a giveaway? Tell me...
by Mel | Aug 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
My books aren’t steampunk…they’re more gaslight fantasy (Steampunk is Science Fiction)…steam tech but with magic and critters not so much steampunky gadgets. Having said that, I do love the Steampunk Aesthetic and a conversation on Twitter...
by Mel | Apr 12, 2008 | Cool stuff
My ornamental pear being, well, ornamental…