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Taking a break from social media for a month

So about two years ago I did a week long digital detox. You can read about why here. I did it and it was really good and helped me curb my habits for a bit. But over the last two years, some of those bad habits have crept back and I’ve had other sources of...
Wandering the web

Wandering the web

Cool things from the interwebs that have been informing/entertaining/intriguing me lately. How long does it really take to get pretty good at something? (aka if there’s something you want to try, just give it a go because you don’t have to be an elite...
Flower Power

Flower Power

Somewhere in the vague list in my head of “jobs I would like to do” has always been a spot labelled florist. Because flower shops smell good, they’re always cool and flowers are one of my fave things. Of course, in my head, being a florist...
Magpie brain

Magpie brain

I have a theory that all writers have a certain degree of curiosity. What I call the magpie mind. After all, a story is usually sparked by some sort of ‘What if’ question and then chasing that thread down a deep rabbit hole before somehow managing to weave...


Some things I have stumbled over on the internet lately that are entertaining/interesting/cool or all three 😀 Watercolour tattoos. I have a tattoo. One day I’ll get another. If so, I think I’d like done in this style. More examples here. Awesome origami....

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