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Happy Easter!

To celebrate you can have virtual chocolate eggs and one final Iron Kin snippet..2 days to go now. Until then, eat chocolate and be happy! “Sainted bloody earth.” She’d finally found her tongue. Her cheeks still blushed pink but her eyes were...

Another snippet

Again with the random…heh heh heh. All the small noises in the square died as he descended. Everybody watched as he adjusted his long velvet coat and gazed around the square to survey those of us who waited. And I wasn’t the only one who shivered when a...

A snippet

Random 6 days to go snippet! Maybe that was why Holly and Lily had warned me off Fen. Because he could charm and snare an unwary woman. Well, charm me he may have but I would do my best to avoid the trap. That would just be putting myself at risk of an altogether...

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