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Circling back

So I am working away on a few sekrit projects and one has been going slowly. Which means there’s a problem. It ALWAYS means there’s a problem though we writers like to go with the denial of said fact and try to to push through more time than not. And just...

The best laid plans

Well, I had planned to write 40 pages this weekend but after two good writing days, today the story screamed to a halt and said “nuh-uh”. Which usually means I have to stop and think about what’s happening.  I’m learning to accept this is part...

Websites and promos and bears, oh my!

As the time for Shadow Kin’s release creeps closer, I’m starting to think about promotion. There’s a lot to think about. Some stuff I do already, some I need to learn about.  I’m making lists and reading and generally making my head spin.  So...


>Well, yesterday was not the most stellar writing day and today was worse.Yesterday I wrote 700 words in a rush only to accidentally hit the off button on my netbook and lose it all. Then Cyclone Yasi’s tail decided to drop about a month’s rain on...


1011 words tonight. So goal is met. This book is proving interesting so far. Usually I’m pretty clear on my first scene and write it quickly. But this book, well, I’ve had about four different starts now and keep having to pull back and change tack. I...

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