by Mel | Jun 5, 2010 | Writing
I went to see the second Sex And The City movie on Friday night. I was a fan of the series (what’s not to love about female friendships, relationships and hot guys? Plus the whole Big and Carrie thing is exactly the right sort of on screen romantic relationship...
by Mel | Dec 31, 2009 | Life, Writing
>2009 has been an interesting year. I have no idea how it went by so fast but maybe that was because it was interesting.This time last year I made resolutions and now, inevitably, I’m thinking about what I want to achieve in 2010.Last year the resolutions...
by Mel | Oct 20, 2007 | Life
Lunch was cancelled yesterday : ( due to lurgyness of friend : ((. So instead I went to Patchwork on Central and used their design wall to lay out my quilt (with thanks for the advice of the lovely ladies who were sewing there and Lynn). Then I sewed it up, the girls...
by Mel | Apr 19, 2007 | Uncategorized
I may have mentioned I’m doing a big project at work with lots and lots and lots and lots of documents. I’ve spent the week typing and fiddling and formatting and typing some more. All while dealing with a sudden fit of cranky pants. You know, the sort of...
by Mel | Jul 8, 2006 | Square eyes, Writing
Well, paint on, dirt off. It’s amazing how grubby windowframes can get! And blinds but I’m not washing them. They will be binned when the new ones arrive….yippeeeeeee. Sugar soap has been applied, sandpaper has been used. Now I’m off to buy...