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Back again

I’m back. Why is it always so much colder in Melbourne than Sydney? Boo to weather. Um, Sydney was very busy and full of pilgrims wanting to see the Pope. We caught a glimpse of him in the Popemobile from the window of the hotel where we were conferencing....

Guten morgen

Well, Guten tag to my aussie readers and guten whatever is appropriate to anyone else not in Germany. Where I finally am after a trip that turned into the usual Mel travelling comedy of errors. My connecting flight from Singapore to Frankfurt was cancelled, so the...

Back from Tassie

Yesterday my toes were here: With some friends: Or here’s the non-toe view. Today I’m back. I had a great time and my gorgeous cousin is safely married to her gorgeous boy. It didn’t rain so they got their beach wedding, though the wind made for some...


Less than forty eight hours until I get on the plane. Had a minor virgo brain induced stress out yesterday but since then have organised most of my stuff (just the good old US dollars to buy tomorrow) and calmed down. My pitch is still annoying me but I’ve still...

Decisions, decisions

So I’m starting to pack stuff or at least put stuff in piles to be packed. The most important decision, seeing as I have the GH frock sorted, is what books to take for the plane trip. As I’ve said before, I read fast, so with 19 hours of flying ahead of me...

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