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In which there is more news!

Well, after last weeks good news, I’m equally happy to tell you that it’s official, more M.J. Books will be forthcoming!  I’ve sold two more books to my lovely Roc editor, Jessica Wade. the first of these will be a fourth book in the Half-Light...

And done!

It’s a book, it’s a book! All 100,000 odd words of it. Sure, I need to do a final polishing pass, and god knows how coherent the forty odd pages I wrote today are, but the hard bit is done for now. I have written my first book under contract and (touch...


>Numfar (well, mostly me but Numfar in my mind) is doing the dance of joy. Because we can hereby declare draft zero done! Woot!Those of you reading along will no that it’s been a long sloggy writing year for me and there were times where I felt like I’d...

Done like a done thing

Woohoo! Revision is all done! Finished. 425 pages of done-ness. I think I officially deserve the afternoon off unless the girls want to play with something later on. I’m going to mail this sucker to Miriam and worry about what to work on next later on. Progress...


Woohoo! It may be the shortest first draft ever but it’s now the shortest completed first draft ever and the last bit made me cry so it can’t be all bad. Apparently letting the girls sleep on it last night was a good thing. I’m done, done, done and...

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