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Books I’m looking forward to – Winter edition

The weather has turned determinedly grey and cold and wet down here in the Southern Hemisphere (or at least in my little corner of it). Good weather for napping, knitting and, of course, reading.  Reading requires reading material…so here are some of the books...

A year in books #6

It doesn’t quite seem possible that I’ve been blogging for six years but apparently I have! So it’s time to wrap up the year with my now traditional post about my favourite books of the year and my reading in general.  Looking at my Goodreads...

Books I’m looking forward to

Haven’t done one of these in a while and the TBR pile does seem to keep piling up, so here are some books I’m hanging out to read over the next few months. Snuff by Terry Pratchett (Out next week but hopefully winging its way to me right now in the post)...

A tale of two e-readers

So, a while back I bought myself a pretty silver Sony reader. and for my birthday, my always awesome friend Jo, gave me a Kindle (and a pretty blue cover). So now that I’ve been using the Kindle for a bit, I thought I’d do a comparison post on the two....

Launch pics!

A few pics from the book launch tonight, taken by Jo (who also did my author pics)….there are more over on the Facebook page. Thank you to everyone who came along! You made my first book launch and signing a fantastic experience! Hopefully you all enjoyed it too...


One of my personal writing heroes/goddesses passed away last night after a long illness. Vale Diana Wynne Jones. Thank you for your stories. Dogsbody and Charmed Life are two spec fiction books I remember reading when I was quite young (I suspect around 8). I...

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