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One of my personal writing heroes/goddesses passed away last night after a long illness. Vale Diana Wynne Jones. Thank you for your stories. Dogsbody and Charmed Life are two spec fiction books I remember reading when I was quite young (I suspect around 8). I...


The last gardenia off my bushes this year…into the chilly part of the year we go.  Luckily I have a trip to New York in June which will add some warmth to winter!

Creaks and groans

I started back at pilates today.  So far, my abs are not thanking me for it. After stuffing up my shoulder doing pilates quite some time ago, it’s taken me a long time to psych myself back up to do it again. In an ideal world my fitness routine would be...

The wrap up

Firstly, thoughts are with those in Christchurch or with loved ones there.  Terrifying stuff. I’ve only ever been in very minor tremors and those are weird enough. Can’t imagine actually have the world move under your feet, let alone have it come crashing...

Happy anniversary to me

At about this time, one year ago today, I got the final “call” from Miriam to say I’d sold Shadow Kin after a whirlwind two weeks of sleepless nights and excitement. I can’t believe a year has gone by so fast.  And, yes, I still grin when I...

Do over

It’s February. Which is a good thing in some ways and a bad thing in others. Given that January was pretty much a write off for me due to getting sick and various other things, I officially completely failed to do much of anything I planned to do in January. Including...

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