by Mel | Feb 2, 2015 | Life, The biz, Writing
Every so often I do one of these posts, mostly for new followers at various places to catch folks up on who I am, what I do and an update for everyone on what I’m working on. So … Who am I? I’m Melanie Scott (most commonly answering to Mel). I write...
by Mel | Sep 13, 2014 | The biz, Writing
Firstly, thank you to all the lovely people who have been reading and reviewing The Devil in Denim. You are all awesome! Secondly Amazon picked Devil as one of their top Romance books of the month (so yay!) Right now, the kindle version is discounted (it shows up at...
by Mel | Feb 1, 2014 | Cool stuff, The biz, Writing
The cover for The Devil in Denim is revealed in all it’s glory (and there’s a lot of glory) today on Heroes and Heartbreakers! Check it out! I think it’s divine (looks like the SMP art department needs cookies too!)
by Mel | Jan 16, 2014 | Cool stuff, The biz, Writing
Just a quick post to say that the excerpt for The Wolf Within is up now on the site for those who are curious. Hopefully out in a week or less!
by Mel | Dec 12, 2013 | The biz, Writing
A few weeks ago I did a google hangout/chat with the lovely Sharon from the Australian Romance Readers Association and the vid is now live…so if you want to hear and see a bit of me chatting about my books and other random things…the video is on the ARRA...
by Mel | Nov 20, 2012 | Cool stuff, The biz, Writing
Well, after last weeks good news, I’m equally happy to tell you that it’s official, more M.J. Books will be forthcoming! I’ve sold two more books to my lovely Roc editor, Jessica Wade. the first of these will be a fourth book in the Half-Light...