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‘Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house The carpets were less soggy! : ) The jetblower thingy has been blowing and blowing. It is loud. Imagine being on a plane trip for over two days and not getting anywhere. But it seems to be helping dry things out. Not sure what happens next,...

A day in highlights

Promised phone calls from insurance – 1 Actual phone call from insurance – 0 Promised visits from council – 1 Actual visits from council – 0 Promised visits by carpet rescue – 1 Actual visits – 1 No. of cats freaked out by very...

Rain, rain go away

I know we NEED the rain. I know we’re having a drought. But we do not need several weeks rain in several hours and I do NOT need soggy from underneath carpets. Just when I was all happy to be finally finished work and on holiday, I drive home (which took forever...


Happy Turkey Day to those in places who celebrate such things (it’s still Turkey Day there). Eat pie for me : ) I’m thankful because I’m off to the beach for the weekend with the lovely lulus, where there will not be pie but will be lots of other...


Yay, I officially have five days off work. Five days of writing, reading (stocked up on books at the launch of Sizzle, Seduce and Simmer tonight) and trying to convince my body that yes, this daylight savings thing is here to stay for a few months. More news as it...

To Nano or not?

I can’t make up my mind whether I should Nano or not. I have three books I could work on. On the other hand, I need to do the Wolf 2 revision pass. Nothing is really leaping up and down and saying “write ME, write ME” at the moment, so maybe trying...

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