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My folks have a lemon tree that produces never ending founts of lemons. Which is great. Lemons are good.


And one of my fave things to do with lemons is make lemon-y cake. Which means I’m always on the hunt for a great lemon cake. It’s harder than it sounds. I think I have the ideal lemon cake in my head but have never quite found it in person.

Sometime last year (I think) I saw someone mention Lemon Drizzle cake on YouTube. Cake. Sugar. Lemon-y drizzling goodness. Sounded like my thing. So I tried the classic Mary Berry recipe.

Verdict, good but not quite what I was looking for. The cake is very rich and a bit on the heavy side and I’ve played with the drizzle but never got it quite right (I wanted something a bit more syrupy, maybe? And smoother.)

This is the best lemon drizzle cake version I’ve found. Very yummy but still not the cake of my dreams.

I’ve wandered into the realms of gluten free cakes with Nigella’s Raspberry and Polenta cake with is delicious but the lemon cake of my dreams is more traditional cake-y.

I’ve tried lemon and coconut brownies which were very good but brownies aren’t cake.


My latest attempt was this citrus cake (I didn’t have oranges so did all lemon. And I didn’t faff with candying citrus on a trial run). The icing on this was good (I put lemon in it, I like lemon-y icing on lemon cake). I think I cooked the cake slightly too long, so need to try again but it was a good texture (finer crumbed than the drizzle cakes), so I might be onto something. I’ll have to make it again. Because there’s always more lemons 😀

Anyone got a favourite lemon cake recipe to share?


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