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Take one copy of Madam Mirabou’s School of Love (great book, beautiful cover, Barbara Samuel rocks).
Add a second dose of Temaraire and the dishy Captain Will in Throne of Jade (Naomi Novik rocks).
Season with a crit session, including the consumption of far too much chocolate.
Stir in more episodes of Mr Darcy is a spy (aka Spooks)
Top with 16 pages written today (see, miracles do happen).

There was even exercise and sleeping in.

Earlier in the week there was new Sharon Lee and Steve Miller too.

What more can a girl want?

PS Happy Mother’s Day to all the mum’s out there (particularly mine because she rocks and no, I’m not biased : ) )
PPS Have a great trip Ms Keri. Romantic Times will be a blast and we’re looking forward to the pics.
PPPS 11 more sleeps until Kara. Wheee. Off to NZ, land of kiwis, hobbits and pineapple lumps.

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