First a note to Winter. Over it already. Start raining and warm up. Seriously. I’m not a 4 degrees, time to rise and shine kind of gal. I’m a 4 degrees, must hibernate under the doona kind. So it’s been a fun week.
I’ve mostly finished revising the book and now have to write through to the end. I know what should happen. I kind of know how. But this is the part where the muse kind of freezes and resists the actual work. I know I just need to sit down and write but my chair feels like an ejector seat. Every few minutes I get antsy or distracted or find my self suddenly doing housework. Grrrr.
Doesn’t help that I think my back is out a bit. Which gives me stomach aches. I went to the chiro on Wednesday and something hasn’t quite stuck. But he was closed today. And it’s a long weekend. So three days of potential sore back for me. Hopefully some walking will ease it up. If not, it will be mucho of the painkillers and zantac for me this weekend. Cos this butt is staying in the chair. Except for the ballet bit. And the checking out the photos taken by the lovely Jo bit and…hmmm, is that more procrastinating I see?
I will finish the damn book. If only because there’s quite a few authors I love with new releases in the next two months and I want to read them with a guilt-free conscience. Oh right, I have to finish that other book too. Damn. Anyone got a cloning machine?