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So I went to see the Prestige last night. And all I can say is that Christopher Nolan and Christopher Priest are tricksy hobbits and um, magicians are…not so nice. Interesting movie. Lots of twists and turns and darker than I expected and several ewwww moments but fascinating in the end. Plus Hugh takes his shirt off so, you know, all good! Might have to hunt up the book now.

I spent the first half of the afternoon lunching in the sun by the water with one of my best friends learning about birthing preferences. She’s having her first soon and I’m going to be there…yikes. Hopefully it’s not so tricksy.

In other news I defeated the Chris Isaak cd by booting up my old windows ME machine. So now I have it in iTunes and the muse is happy. Sometimes older is better.

Writing wise the muse has called time for mulling over for the last week or so. Going to sit down and try and do some brain dumping today to see whether anything fruitful has been decided or whether more time might be required. Revising. Not always fun.

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