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The cold bug that has been going around has decided to make a stop at my house. Colds make me sleepy and hungry. And send the girls into deep, deep hibernation. Head all fuzzy. Hopefully some more naps and sleeping in over the next few days will help.

In good news, I went to see Matthew Bourne’s version of Swan Lake last night and it was really good. There were initial concerns that the guy playing the Swan was carrying a little more condition than your average ballet dancer (great dancer, but a more powerful build which requires a mental shift). But then he came back on stage in the second half in black leather and proceeded to steam up the stage in a way I’ve never seen a male dancer do before. *Fans self* He was hot. Capital H. O. T. And the whole thing was entertaining and well danced and had lots of cute boys in fluffy trousers. And the girls seemed to like it. So thumbs up to the ballet, thumbs down to the common cold.

We’ll call it a draw.

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