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Another week speeding by.

And I have been enjoying not writing (though I do have some characters starting to tap their feet at me, so hopefully I’ll get some stuff done this weekend on them) and lazing around in the evenings reading.

I’ve had a swag of good books lately on the Fantasy/UF front – Magic Lost, Trouble Found, Kushiel’s Justice (not Scion as my end of book fogged brain wrote earlier) which I devoured too fast Tuesday/Wednesday and now I’m reading Talyn by Holly Lisle which is also proving to be very cool. I’m hoping my copy of Stray will turn up soon.

In between reading there had been watching Gilmore Girls DVDs and getting up way too early this morning for a day job day trip to Sydney.

Tomorrow is the day off…which might be a real day off, unless the muse wakes up all chirpy. We shall see…

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