Last night Keri and I went to a literary dinner with Neil Gaiman who pretty much set a very high standard for how authors should behave at these things. He was funny and charming, read brilliantly (he has a great voice), talked intelligently despite the fact he’s only been in the country a few days and has to be jetlagged and then signed for ages, taking time to talk to each person a little, pose for photos and pay attention to his fans. Plus he was signing stuff not just bought on the day and multiple items. I’d hate to be his signing hand but as I heard one person in the line say, the rest of him is annoyingly fantastic and talented : ))
Go Neil! If last night was anything to go buy you’ve just made many new fans and made the existing ones even more fannish.
PS No-one gets to borrow my copy of Stardust with NG drawing in it now!
>You have a Neil Gaiman drawing! I’m jealous. I went to his book signing in Sydney on Wednesday and managed to get a photo taken with him. And yeah, he was signing anything that was put in front of him.Hope you are enjoying your porridge experience – I can’t eat it unless it’s made with milk and loads of sugar or mixed dry fruit.
>I forgot my camera which was annoying. And yes, still liking the porridge, though I’m looking forward to when i can have milk and a bit of sugar with it.