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Be sure to pack warm clothes even if it’s summer!

It’s currently 12 degrees here (Celsius, that is). According to the age website, Melbourne is warmer! That’s all wrong. It was lovely and warm Saturday when I got here but yesterday and today are cloudy and cool.

Yesterday I was tourist gal and did Alcatraz (very cool), Fisherman’s Wharf, rode a cable car etc. Today I’m doing a bit of shopping this morning then going over to Oakland to see a friend who I haven’t seen in person for almost ten years! Yay.

Tomorrow, I think will be more shopping and sightseeing then Wednesday I change hotels to the Marriott and the conference itself begins and I’ll get to see some of my other online friends and the aussie contingent.

Jetlag-wise I’m doing okay (and about one thousand percent better than I was last year) so I’m definitely a fan of this coming over early thing.

More as it happens…

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