Am I the queen of imaginative blog post titles or what? lol
It’s even more confusing when I’m posting this on Saturday here in SF but blogger thinks it’s Sunday as my time zone is set to Australia. Hence the boring title.
So Friday (btw it’s quite warm here today…almost summery!). Friday started with breakfast (bagels and fruit) where I ran into AA and Tracey. Then a little bit of writing time before I did the morning workshops (Writing in the Pressure Cooker which was good and the Spotlight on St Martins which just solidified my desire to write for them one day).
Next was lunch with Connie Brockway who did a brilliant speech on writers as superheroes using the hero’s journey to illustrate the writing process. After a yummy lunch, I went to Eric Maisel’s very interesting 2 hour session on Creativity for Life. I could’ve listened to him for a lot longer and took lots of notes. Luckily it was taped. I topped all that off with Jane Porter’s first person POV workshop which was also great (Jane is always a fab speaker and she had some cool insights in first person, stuff I hadn’t thought about from her particular angle).
Workshopped out, I headed back to my room, changed for dinner with Char and the gang from various online classes. We had fabulous mexican and fabulous margaritas and I discovered that my weird naturopathic diet has um, reduced my alcohol tolerance, so I had to drink lots of water and eat the pringles from the minibar and write a few more pages before going to bed lol. And that was Friday and now I have another workshop to run to, so the Saturday report will be tomorrow but think good thoughts for all our fab Aussie and Kiwi RITA and GH finalists tonight.