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Is what I need. As I may have mentioned, there are quite a few book ideas floating around in the head at the moment, so what do we play with next?

This was the initial writing plan for the year:

Priority 1 project: Witch 1
Priority 2 projects: Progressing Wolf 3, another pass at Wolf 2
Noodle projects: Everything else

Noodle projects are the ones you mess around with when the girls need a break. Or when you get an idea that won’t go away or just for fun….you know.

Which was then updated late August to this after I finished Witch 1.

Priority 1 projects – First draft of the current wip, finish Wolf 2 pass
Priority 2 projects – Vague plots for Wolf 3, Witch 2 and maybe a few chaps of them
Noodle projects: Everything else

Current progress:

First draft of current wip. Well, the current wip that was at the time stalled out a bit and now I probably have five or six candidates for current wip. I would like December to be a first draft month, so I guess I need to pick something.

Finish Wolf 2 pass. Done. Took longer than I wanted thanks to the recalcitrant first act but is done for now.

Vague plots and chapters of Wolf 3 and Witch 2. I know the basic plot for Wolf 3 and have the first scene. I have a vague idea of what I think I’d like to use in the plot for Witch 2 and have a very rough draft opening.

Everything else: There has been noodling on and off. Now I have to pick something to focus on…so the current plan is:

Priority 1 projects: Pick a wip and finish a first draft this summer. If that wip is not Witch 2 (I’m not ready for another Wolf just yet, then get a little more of Witch 2 done as well.

Priority 2 projects: Wolf 3. Witch 2 if it’s not the summer book.

Noodle projects: Everything else but try and have a designated noodling session every week.

So there you go. A plan, such as it can be when you have stuff out on submission and everything could technically go out the window if someone got a wild hair and bought something. Now I have to go poke at some wips and see which one might like to play nice.

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