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Today Melbourne has done a schizophrenic flip and decided to go for hot hot hot. I blame the fact that the Australian Open starts next week. That’s usually the cue for our weather to skyrocket…perfect for baking poor little tennis players to death. 37 today and 39 tomorrow.

But despite that and due to the fact that I called a first-day-back-at-work-I’m-pooped day off the exercise yesterday, I needed to do my cardio today. So I figured I’d do the short version of Cardio Coach Volume 2 and that would be a good way to test it out. Except, in true contrary fashion, my mini’s remote control decided to hide so I had no way to fast forward once I got started. So I did the whole thing! Yay! 8.3kms in just under 40 mins which I think is my official longest session on the ET ever. Hard work and I’ve still got away to go before I can do it without dropping my pace in the places I’m not meant to drop my pace but yay. Go me and thank goodness for air con or else I think I would’ve spontaneously combusted.

Next dinner and then we’ll see if the wip wants to play as nicely as the legs. I think it’s probably time to implement some metrics again, even though it might be a bit of leap frogging form wip to wip at the moment, I want to clock up 30-40 pages this week.

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