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Finally got the pages done after a day mostly spent wedding dress shopping with a friend. Lots of pretty frocks were seen but she didn’t discover THE dress, so there will be more wedding dress adventures in the future. Fine by me. I like looking at the pretty frocks. One thing I will say is that there is a HUGE variation in the service mentality in these places. Most were lovely (as one should be when one is selling products that cost big dollars and dealing with folks planning what is for them, a very important event) but some left a lot to be desired. Perhaps they do not need the money. In which case, my friend is more than happy to spend it elsewhere *g*. And I shall be dis-recommending them to anyone who might be dress shopping. Seriously, how hard is it to at least be friendly and polite and seemingly interested?

I’m sure wedding dress stores get a lot of bad behaviour from brides and mothers along the way but that doesn’t mean you can be pre-emptively badly behaved yourself! Professionalism is important in any job. As in smile, be nice and then if you must, rant when you’re home with your post work glass of vino.

On another note, I heartily recommend Soulless by Gail Carriger if you might be looking for a funny, kind of Amelia Peabody meets Georgette Heyer meets Buffy steampunky read. I’m looking forward to the next one! I really liked Ilona Andrews’ On the Edge too. Very different to the Kate books (more romancey even) but still very cool.

And on another note, I seem to have hit 40k on the book. Yay! Though that is nearly halfway on my usual first draft word count (my first drafts are short. It’s the talking heads not much else factor) and somehow I don’t think the plot is at the halfway point. Maybe I’m going to be long winded and rambly in this draft. Oh well, such is life as a pantser.

Progress – Lily

New pages Five
Intriguing things – Learning more about the magic system
Annoyances – Recalcitrant brain
Linear/non-linear – Linear
Music – Soundtrack for half the time. Silence the rest.
Location – At the desk with Word and Think.
Taking care of Mel – Nap.
Muse food – The muse liked the pretty sparkly dresses today. Not sure my heroine is the pretty sparkly dress type but you never know.

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