Well, it’s been a pretty productive four day weekend here at Casa Mel (with interlude at Casa Mel’s folks). Writing has happened. Visiting folks has happened. Doing errands has happened. Quasi organisation for the coming work week has happened. The book seems to be hitting its stride (cross fingers, throw salt over right shoulder, turn three times widdershins etc) so hopefully I can keep the pages coming over the next two relatively busy weeks. Then I might be able to Nano the ending. I won’t need to do 50k and it’s not a pure nano if you’ve already started but whatever.
Otherwise, I’ve been listening to Outlander on audiobook (which makes me wander around the house talking in a bad scottish accent and asking the orange cat if he kens just how silly he is, aye), watching Pink on DVD (which has inspired me to want to get fit again and therefore look forward to the inevitable pain at the physio tomorrow – one of the things stopping me doing much exercise lately apart from general slackerness is the fact my shoulder hurts after pilates or Nia), trying on wedding dresses (which is weird when you’re not the bride in question but they didn’t have the frock in her size in store) and, as of today, enjoying a lovely sunny day.
What’s everyone else been up to?
Progress – Lily
New pages – Fourteen
Intriguing things – Secrets and more secrets and cool vampire scientist.
Annoyances – Oh the heads they do talk. Setting, exposition, actions? Who needs these?
Linear/non-linear – Linear
Music – Soundtrack. Though one repeated song at a time.
Location – Word and Think at desk.
Taking care of Mel – Booked physio to sort out shoulder. Slept in. Sushi for lunch (yum). Shall make healthy banana muffins after tea for healthy work snacks.
Muse food – Pink watching (though hmm, she’s more muse food for the werewolves). Taking pictures of the sunny sky and plane trails (what do you call those, the track of smoke or whatever it is a plane leave behind across the sky?)