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The brain is starting to recover from post book-ness. Have taken a few days off writing and lolled around but am now starting to circle back to the wips. The one I think I want to write first is a bit of a mystery at the moment. I know the hero and heroine. I know the world. I just don’t know what the big external plot thing is. And even, though I rarely know that when I start a book, I always get to the point where I think I should know and then I freak out. It just seems to be happening early this time.

It doesn’t help that I’m also getting snippets from the book after this one…but that one definitely is after this one in time and I can’t imagine how stuck I’d get trying to head into that one without knowing what happens in this one lol

So I will sit down later and do some brain dumping and see what happens. Which will most likely be followed by more scratching of the head. Until then, I shall just keep circling the story in my head and listening to the scene snippets it’s telling me and let things brew. And try not to freak out.

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